Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pre-Course Survey

I created a pre-course survey for my AP Literature and Composition.

The survey can be viewed by clicking on this link:

Creating this survey took longer than I thought. It was difficult to come up with 10 open ended questions. I wanted to create questions that would give me a better understanding of the students enrolled in my AP English course. One of my objectives of my survey is to make sure the students are enrolled in the course for the right reason.

I only wish I had this survey created at the start of this school year!

1 comment:

Datta Kaur said...

Amy, well done survey but....if you really want students to be engaged right from the beginning it is important for you to become a 'real' person to students.

Perhaps each question can give a bit of information about you and then ask the question. For example, I remember my first online course, I thought it was going to be a breeze. Then ask them what their impression is or was of their first online course.

Datta Kaur