Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week One

I have to comment on the instructor's decision to make the Modules available one week at a time. I logged into the course before it officially started. By doing so, I was able to glance at all the Modules. When I logged in after the official start of class, I noticed that only Module 1 was available.
There was an announcement posted stating, " Module 2 will open this Friday. I will open each successive module the Friday before the start day. Therefore, please concentrate on the current open module and if you have schedule restrictions and a special need for access to a future module, please email me. Thanks so we go....!!"

I think this is a great way to structure an online course. If a student has the entire semester's worth of work to preview, he/she may become overwhelmed by the content. As an online teacher, my course is set-up to allow students to see the entire semester (this is something I can't change). This has one advantage: students can work ahead of schedule. But I think the disadvantage of students becoming overwhelmed is too great. By allowing a week to week reveal, it allows students to maintain focus on the current week's topic.
In addition, this class requires a great deal of interaction between students (interviews, discussion boards). If one student is working on week 4 and everyone else is only on week 2, the first student has no one to discuss with. And discussion is a key component to any online class!


Amy Rosno said...

I realize I am commenting on my own blog, but I just wanted to point something out. My first post has nothing directly to do with assessment. But I felt this was an important observation to make.

Eric R. Lehmann said...

Hmm... Do you prefer the week to week access to information ? I actually was frustrated and prefered to see the entire class to get the whole picture... (I also miss the Pace Chart).... I do agree that it would be less overwhelming to High School Students... I also like Blackboard better...

Jeanne said...

Hi Amy, while I realize the thought behind opening one module at a time, I find it frustrating as I like to download the readings and read during the weekend so I'm prepared to start the assignments for the week. I also dislike having to download every week and would like to do 2-3 weeks as long as I'm on a computer that has a printer or if I'm on the road as it is easier to stay on track. Just my thoughts. I do agree that postings for the week need to be posted only for that week and not ahead so the class stays together and you have a collaborative community formed among the learners. I get complaints from my students if I open modules week-by-week so open 2-3 weeks in advance. Thanks for sharing your perspective.